Sunday, August 10, 2008

news: Skip Beat! official with proof

from The Scrumptious Anime Blog

So this isn't a new post on who the newest seiyu cast for Skip Beat!'s upcoming anime are, but it's an official post on those who have already been confirmed. I trust this source, also because there is a magazine scan with seiyu pictures corresponding to the character roles. I never doubted this source in the first place, but that was because I have no other sources to rely on. Even ANN got it wrong the first time around...

But anyway, visit the site listed above for this newest news information. The cast of Skip Beat! mentioned before is still true. And sadly, I can only say that I'm not very familiar with this cast aside from Mamoru Miyano -- which means that I need to crunch anime a little more before I can pass proper opinions.

I'm still a little iffy on Mamoru Miyano cast as Shou, but then again, as I've said before, what do I know. I've only heard his voice on two separate occasions and both were the care-free, loud, and over-exuberant type of roles. He might have a surprisingly "cool" and "asshole" side to him that can be conveyed through the "asshole" Shou. Yea... as opposed to Mamoru Miyano -- whom I like -- I don't really like Shou very much.

Anyway, still looking forward to the official announcement of who will be cast as Ren. I can't honestly say that I can even think of anyone who would fit the role. Tsuruga Ren is good-looking, can be cold and aloof, can be playful and caring, and has an extremely scary anger as well as Kyoko's favorite "pretend to be saintly but in reality I'm vibrating of sarcastic anger and disappointment and hatred" attitude. I have a love and a hate for this guy, but I'm not quite sure what percentage is more... hehe

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