Friday, August 1, 2008

the launch

As of today, the official launch of the animanga zone is featured.

Due to my plans to draft other features and reviews over certain anime series, I had specifically scheduled the launch for the first of this month. Unfortunately, those plans were slightly abolished as my habit for slacking off is still catching up with me. Fortunately, I already have two posts to feature for today's launch and the rest of the weekend to finish a few others.

The animanga zone is a place where I can freely spew nonsense and personal opinions about anime, manga, and especially anything that has to do with my favorite shoujo genre and favorite people connected with anime. Only here in the zone will I mention anything about anime and manga and thus it becomes a vent for me to discuss one of my favorite obsessions. Otherwise, no one else in my real life likes to talk about anime or manga and I'm kind of stuck.

Like this...
"Anime is great... now carry on so I can return to brooding..."

As a side note to this introductory post, I would like to warn the public of a few things I'm especially obsessed with.

First of all, since this is a blog, everything is extremely biased in favor of my own likes. I personally don't like bashing and try my best not to make unnecessary comments about things I don't like. If I do, it is unintentional and I apologize first hand. I will consistently dote on what I like and so if it gets annoying, I also apologize for that.

Nextly, Suzumura Kenichi is my ultimate favorite seiyu ever since I began to religiously watch anime. No matter what role he is, I like him and so a lot of opinions may or may not be biased in his favor.

I'm currently extremely obsessed with shoujo manga. A lot of opinions may or may not be compared to shoujo manga or referred to it. I'm a hopeless romantic as well and thus my reviews on anime or manga that are non-romance related might be a little lacking.

Finally, my opinions are those of my own. And thus, for this post to be shorter and not drag on, I will end it here.

Thank you very much and I hope for a good new future with anicabyss - animanga zone.

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